- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 2/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (04:08) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 3/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:09) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 4/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:59) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 5/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:57) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 1/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (08:59) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 2/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (06:28) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 3/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (07:19) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 4/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (09:23) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 5/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:03) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 6/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (06:54) 18 Dec 1997
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Results from complete repository (10,724)
- 3 uren powerboatrace op nieuw circuit
- Weeknummer 77-26Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:15) 01 Jan 1977
- 30 jaar radio-techniek
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 10 uit 1948Nav het 30-jarig bestaan van de Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabriek (NSF) is in Den Haag een tentoonstelling georganiseerd, waar historische zenders en ont... (01:35) 28 Feb 1948
- 30.000 farmers demonstrate against the government policy
- Week number 74-34Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:56) 01 Jan 1974
- 300 jaar geleden Vrede van Münster getekend: herdenking in d...
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 6 uit 1948In de Nieuwe Kerk te Delft wordt plechtig herdacht dat in 1648 de Tachtigjarige Oorlog eindigde door het tekenen van de Vrede van Münster. SHOTS: - historis... (02:05) 30 Jan 1948
- 300-jarig bestaan Hoogezand-Sappemeer
- Weeknummer 28-11Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:15) 10 May 1928
- 300-jarig bestaan van de hoofdsynagoge
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 46 uit 1935. (02:53) 10 Nov 1935
- 3000 paarden en pony's op de markt te Hedel
- Weeknummer 67-46Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:29) 01 Nov 1967
- 300 year existence of the main synagogue
- Week number 35-46Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:53) 12 Nov 1935
- 31 Groningen municipalities build 1176 houses
- Week number 52-20Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:08) 01 May 1952
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 33 uit 1939. (01:36) 06 Aug 1939
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